“Flow State” by Peter Hall James Thornton: Welcome toEveryday Experiments. Dong Hoon Jun: We’re going tocreate some classic times from our favorite movie genres. James: All we need is an idea and a few thingsfrom around the house. Dong Hoon: And our new iPhone 13. “Dangerous Rescue” byAPM Music James: Every act moviehas an epic car hunt and today, we’re going toshoot our own with someremote controlled autoes.[ ENGINE STARTING][ ENGINE REVVING][ ENGINE ROAR] Dong Hoon: Don’t be afraidto move with the camera, the phone does a great jobof stabilizing the image. James: To include more energyto your activity place, try fastening the camerato a moving objective.[ TIRES SCREECHING][ ENGINE ROAR][ TIRES SCREECHING] Max Kim: Oh, sorry! Dong Hoon: If you shoot in 4K 60, you are eligible to stir your footagelook even more dramatic by putting it into iMovie and slowing it down by a third.James: While you’re in there, try putting onthe Blockbuster filter. It will make itlook even more cinematic. “Multiplication Process”by APM Music Dong Hoon: A common movie skill is to shoot miniatures to capture massive landscapesat a small scale. We’re going to trythis skill time consuming some groceries. When you’re shootingminiatures and wishes to form thingsin the background look genuinely far away, try putting somethingreally close to the lens. Sometimes it’s called aforeground element, and if you shootin Cinematic mode, it’ll make the scenelook even bigger. Try getting the ignite low and close to give ita big shadow. It reaches small objectslook much bigger. James: Try experimenting withsome atmospheric parts to add some depthand climate to your scenery. ” The Creature Awakens”by Megatrax Dong Hoon: I love monster movies, extremely the ones withgiant ogres inflicting carnage on the city. James: And as you could imagine, we’ve reaped a great deal of boxesover the last year and we’re going to buildour own metropoli out of them. Dong Hoon: Let the ogre madness begin. James: To generate the city, we tape construction paperto our chests, use some operate lightsto light up the windows, and grasp some aged toysand slit autoes from the garage. The perfect playgroundfor our being. Dong Hoon: George, you goingto be a little monster? James: You ready to be a star? Try shooting your monstersin Slo-mo to really exaggeratetheir movements. The report contains two states, 240 and 120, which is half as slow.That’s what I’m working. For an extra touch, you can goto the Photos app and included a filter. I selected Noir. James: When trying to makesomething look really big, try puttingthe camera super low-grade. Putting it at street grade as if we are standingin the vistum. Dong Hoon: Come here. George, come. George . .
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